Samples: |
Plus (HC-series)
hexaphonic pickup: |
HC-Series (AKA "plus") hex guitar
This clip (linked above) is of an HC-series hex
installed in middle position of a Fender strat,
recorded direct-- the hex signals go from the
guitar to the breakout box to six channels of mic
preamps to six channels of a sound card, and
recorded to six tracks. Each track is panned hard
left or right, so E, D and B are to one side, the
rest to the other. Recording direct gives you the
cleanest possible signal, with no mic bleed and no
amp coloration... of course in the real world, you
WANT that amp coloration... it gives warmth and
life to the sound. So here's
a version with the left side to one amp and the
right to another. The right channel is a VHT
Special 6, and the left is a Fender Champ.
HC-Series (AKA "plus")
quadraphonic bass pickups:
This clip (linked above) is of a pair of
HC-series quad pickups in an Epiphone rock (jazz)
NOTE: The sample is of all four strings summed to
mono. The signals are combined to a single signal
and sent to one amp. In this clip you will not
hear the strings panned differently.
I played four short sections, each about 40
seconds. The first is a quad single coil in neck
position. The second is a quad humbucker in neck
position. The third is a quad single in bridge
position, and the last one is a quad humbucker in
bridge position.
The bass was played through a Yorkville
Bassmaster 200, and recorded with an Electrovoice
RE-20 mic. There is NO processing on the file...
NO noise reduction, NO EQ, nothing.
It has two plus quad humbuckers installed, with a
quad/mono switch for each pickup for each string,
and a single coil/humbucker switch for each pickup
for each string, for a total of 16 switches. It is
not for sale, but I would entertain a crazy offer
for a huge pile of money. :) This is my only bass,
and I like it!
Standard and Plus Hex Single Coils, direct, re-amped,
re-amped with fuzz: |
These samples are of a simple chord progression, played
first on an Epiphone SG Special with a standard hex single
in bridge position, then on a NY Pro Telecaster with a
plus hex single coil in bridge position. Both guitars are
available for sale have been sold. There is no
processing done to any of the tracks, other than
normalizing levels and panning (the "full" versions are
panned in a fanned-out pattern, from low E on the left to
high e on the right.
First, here are all six strings together, recorded direct
into the computer (guitar to breakout box to mic preamps
to sound card to DAW):
Recording guitars direct tends to be a bit lifeless
sounding, so to give the sound some character, we "re-amp"
the signal by sending it through a guitar amplifier. In
this case, it's a Fender Champ, recorded with an Altec
"birdcage" ribbon microphone a few feet from the amp:
Hexaphonic fuzz (applying fuzz to each string separately)
is a way to avoid intermodulation distortion. This means
you get the fuzz distortion sound without muddiness. The
individual notes are distinct, so the chords are clear yet
still fuzzed. This sample is the signals re-amped through
the Champ after going through a homemade fuzz pedal,
recorded with the Altec birdcage again:
Here is another hex fuzz version, this time recorded with
a Shure SM57 about an inch from the amp speaker. It's a
bit more aggressive sounding than the Altec:
Here are all the individual string tracks. Put them in
your DAW and have fun!:
Please let me know of any broken links. Thanks!
Standard Hexaphonic Single Coil |
Standard Hex Single Coil Sample 1
This is a standard hex single installed in bridge
position of an Epi SG special. When I plug this guitar
into my '57 Champ and crank it to 12, it's silent until I
play a note. There is absolutely no noise reduction or
processing done to this track other than normalization to
get the right playback level.
Recording direct leaves the tone a little thin and
sterile-- there's no amp warmth, and no room sound, so I'm
going to re-amp the tracks and post that version too, so
you can hear how it sounds through an amp.
*"recording direct" means plugging straight into the mic
preamp/computer, rather than playing through an amp and
recording with a microphone. I did this to avoid the bleed
from one amp + mic to the other, so you can hear the
channel separation.
Standard Hex Single Coil Sample 2
This one was by one of my customers. It's a(n early
version) Standard hex single in bridge position.
Octaphonic Humbucker:
Here is a video by a customer with an eight string Agile
Septor guitar. The coils (and sound) are the same as my
hexaphonic humbuckers.
The samples below are of a pickup
type no longer available, which was called "type 1". "Type
2" is now called Standard, and "Type 2b" is now called Plus.
Type 1/Turbo Box Sample 1
Type 1/Turbo Box Sample 2
These were done by a customer. You can hear how the turbo
makes the type 1 sound bolder and more powerful.