Sound Samples:

Type 1 (no turbo):

This is a totally clean, unprocessed sound. One side was recorded direct, and the other was through a amp, recorded with a microphone.

This one has two overdriven amps, actually two little tube signal tracers used as amplifiers. In the second part, one of the signal tracers is replaced by a little solid state Marshall practise amp, with a phaser pedal.

This one is very processed... each string is panned separately, with different digital effects for each. The panning is binaural, so it sounds best through headphones. Actually, all of these are probably best appreciated through headphones.


Type 1 + turbo:

These were done by a customer. You can hear how the turbo makes the type 1 sound bolder and more powerful.


Type 2:

This is a newer type 2 (I've made some improvements) installed in bridge position of an Epi SG special. The new type 2s have higher output impedance than earlier ones, so when recording direct*, like this was, you need a DI box. The up-side of the higher impedance is that when you plug into a guitar amp, you get higher output. I also like the tone better in the new ones, and the separation is a little better too. Also, there's no noise! When I plug this guitar into my '57 Champ and crank it to 12, it's silent until I play a note. There is absolutely no noise reduction or processing done to this track other than normalization to get the right playback level.

Recording direct leaves the tone a little thin and sterile-- there's no amp warmth, and no room sound, so I'm going to re-amp the tracks and post that version too, so you can hear how it sounds through an amp.

*"recording direct" means plugging straight into the mic preamp/computer, rather than playing through an amp and recording with a microphone. I did this to avoid the bleed from one amp + mic to the other, so you can hear the channel separation.

This one was by one of my customers. It's a(n early version) type 2 in bridge position.


More coming soon!!!